International Baccalaureate
International Talent Academy is International Baccalaureate (IB) World School – authorized for the Middle Years Programme (MYP).
IB World Schools share a common philosophy — a commitment to improve the teaching and learning of a diverse and inclusive community of students by delivering challenging, high quality programmes of international education that share a powerful vision.**
For more information about IB and its programs visit the website
IB Mission statement
The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.
To this end, the organization works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment.
These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.
About IB MYP
The Middle Years Programme (MYP) is a curriculum framework designed by the International Baccalaureate (IB) for learners aged 11-16. The programme aims for students to make connections between what they are learning through their studies and the real world. MYP is an inclusive program that benefits students who come with a range of interests and abilities.

© International Baccalaureate Organization 2018
Teaching in MYP is based on 8 subject groups:
Language acquisition
Language and literature
Individuals and societies
Physical and health education
IB Learner Profiles
The MYP: a unique approach, relevant for a global society
The MYP aims to help students develop their personal understanding, their emerging sense of self and responsibility in their community.
MYP teachers organize the curriculum with appropriate attention to:
- Teaching and learning in context. Students learn best when their learning experiences have context and are connected to their lives and the world that they have experienced. Using global contexts, MYP students explore human identity, global challenges and what it means to be internationally minded.
- Conceptual understanding. Concepts are big ideas that have relevance within specific disciplines and across subject areas. MYP students use concepts as a vehicle to inquire into issues and ideas of personal, local and global significance and examine knowledge holistically.
- Approaches to learning (ATL). A unifying thread throughout all MYP subject groups, approaches to learning provide the foundation for independent learning and encourage the application of their knowledge and skills in unfamiliar contexts. Developing and applying these skills help students learn how to learn.

Approaches to learning
5 categories
10 clusters
Over 100 indications
- Service as action (community service). Action (learning by doing and experiencing) and service have always been shared values of the IB community. Students take action when they apply what they are learning in the classroom and beyond. IB learners strive to be caring members of the community who demonstrate a commitment to service—making a positive difference to the lives of others and to the environment. Service as action is an integral part of the programme, especially in the MYP community project.
- Language and identity – MYP students are required to learn at least two languages. Learning to communicate in a variety of ways is fundamental to their development of intercultural understanding and crucial to their identity affirmation.
Each year during the MYP students also study at least one interdisciplinary unit that Combines 2 or more subject areas.
MYP projects provide students the opportunity to demonstrate what they have learned in the MYP. In schools that include MYP years 5, all students must complete the Personal project.
In programmes that include MYP years 4 or 5, schools may offer students the opportunity to do both the community project and the personal project. In schools that include MYP year 3 or 4, students must complete the community project.
- The Community project encourages students to explore their right and responsibility to implement service as action in the community. Students may complete the community project individually or in small groups.
- Each student develops a Personal project independently, producing a truly personal and creative piece of work that stands as a summative review of their ability to conduct independent work.
MYP assessment standards are consistent around the world. In order to maintain the rigour for which the IB is renowned, the MYP assessment model is criterion-related. Teachers structure varied and valid assessment tasks so that students can demonstrate achievement according to objectives defined by the IB. Tasks are assessed against established criteria, not against the work of other students.
A good curriculum develops a range of student skills. The MYP encourages teachers to assess this acquired skill set, including how to succeed in written examinations. Typical MYP assessment tasks include open-ended, problem-solving activities and investigations, organized debates, tests and examinations, hands-on experimentation, analysis and reflection. MYP assessment is carried out by teachers, according to the criteria defined by the IB.
Along with the introduction of mandatory moderation of the personal project, 2016 sees a change in the optional external assessment for the MYP. The new optional MYP eAssessment provides external evaluation for students in MYP year 5 (15–16 years old) that leads to the internationally recognized IB MYP certificate and IB MYP course results.
MYP eAssessment represents a balanced, appropriately-challenging model that comprises examinations and coursework.
Two-hour examinations in four subject groups (language and literature, sciences, mathematics, individuals and societies) and in interdisciplinary learning are individually marked by IB examiners.
Portfolios of student work for four subject groups (language acquisition, physical and health education, arts, and design) are moderated by IB examiners to international standards.
These innovative assessments focus on conceptual understanding and the ability to apply knowledge in complex, unfamiliar situations.
They offer robust and reliable assessment of student achievement in the MYP.